Originally posted by Mattberg@Jan 16 2006, 03:10 PM
As far as the physical threat issue that Scott started, I can only say that you're both idiots for resorting to that kind of talk.
As I recall, it was another idiot that talked about being 6'5" and 225 pounds when threatening Barry with a blanket party. Any idea who that might have been? Or is YOUR story going to change?

In our original discussion back in October (?), I said I'd never seen a written proposal. It was verbally presented by Fred Clark at the mid-year meeting and I was on the other side of the room. The first I saw the written proposal was in December via a forwarded e-mail to my RE from Ted Michelbrink, Buccaneer RE. Again, it's a PROPOSAL meant to initiate discussion about a problem in SEDIV, not a motion requesting action!

And if you'll go back to my post that started this thread, you note that I said I was somewhat uncomfortable attending this private party but felt I needed to do so to adequately represent the region that elected me. Rather than operate on hearsay and innuendo, as a duly elected official (who actually accepted a nomination and ran for the office) I'll attend the meeting and make any decisions based on what I hear there and during the meetings on Saturday and Sunday. I don't know who else has been invited, it's not my party.

The good news is this might finally die after this weekend, but then you'll certainly find another topic to misrepresent.

I'm done here...