I question my reasoning when I come to this and other threads dominated by this "Mattberg" clown's rantings. His cursings, threats, character assasinations, biased opinions, claims of documents and witnesses, the whole mess. I just really don't know what goes on in the mind of such a person. I'm sure Freud could've gotten just as easily sidetracked with the chest pounding and screams from this poor, lonely person in search of an audience and attention.

I have never seen such twisted logic and half truths. Most disturbed people eventually run out of steam, but he seems to be fueled by attempts to reason and explain.

I've been RE of my former region and fought the different ego factions of the group that comes with the territory. It was taxing and took way too much time from my home life and my job...both suffered as I put more effort into the guidance of the region and its success. After tiring of the office, I was nominated for Chairman of the Board. After one meeting with the new board and seeing the kind of crap coming from the mouths of foolish people unlike Mattberg, I withdrew my nomination and resigned from the board. I couldn't handle that kind of personal sacrifice and personal attacts anymore.

I volunteered for the work and was rewarded by my fellow members with their respect by asking me to be one of their elected leaders. I was then acosted and attacked by other elected officials and their puppets. Some people can take that sort of thing and go on with the agenda...most can't. Had I been physically and "verbally" threatened like what I've read from Mattberg's poisoned keyboard, I would've resigned from the club. No one needs or deserves that.

To think that a member of one region would become so upset at an official of another region as to level these attacks at him is unbelievable. I know that the acts of one region can effect the division as a whole, but the leaders of all the other regions have a say, or at least an opportunity to have a say in what happens in their division. That is unless they have all signed their voting proxy to Mattberg.

I'm glad there are people who point out things to us all that just aren't right. There are things that go on in our club that may not be in our best interest, and we need to at least know about them before they happen. Acting on them is our decision, not someone elses. But no one deserves the kind of punishment that Mattberg levels at the RE of another region or the officer of any region or the member of any region or anyone who posts on this forum that might even remotely disagree with him.

The only person I can identify that used these kind of tactics against anyone was Adolf Hitler against the Jews.