Originally posted by GregAmy@Jan 16 2006, 01:21 AM
DAMMIT!! Somebody has a better garage than me!!!! DAMMIT!!!!!! DAMMIT!!!
Apparently, someone thinks that all the good garages are in Florida, and that's where they want to keep them. They want no one else to have a garage for fear that all the cool people will leave them and go to the new garage. Sad, very sad.

Soon they may find that no one wants to be in their garage, because they ran them all away. Maybe they'll get what they want...their own garage where they can be the boss of anyone they want...if anyone wants them to be their boss. Then they can look out the door of their garage and curse the world and the people around them that want their own garage. And they will feel like they have the best garage in the world, when really, it's just another garage.