Just for you naysayers out there who believed everything Barry Hair was selling, guess what? It came out at the Homestead National that the Friday meeting DOES have an agenda and is NOT just a cocktail party. Barry's going around trying to get all the little non-racing regions to use their vote. You're a sneaky guy Barry. Keep it up but one of those RE's of one of those little regions doesn't like what you're doing either and got the info to me at Homestead. How can you be such a sneaky corrupt self serving egotist in a club? Remember, it's a club? Sheeesh. Anyway you're little secret is out. I'll see you Friday. Rumor is you don't even want the new director there, KP Jones. You will be fought and your lies exposed. When we do I am pushing part of our club's bylaws about ethics and behavior and make sure you are ousted for good by National. You are a sad little man.