Something else I had considered when I had a car to rent was this.

The person using the car buys it from you at some agreed upon fair price. You have an agreement that says that if the car is returned with no damgage beyond normal wear and tear, you will buy the car back from him for an agreed upon fair price (what he paid - wear and tear, etc.)

If the car gets damaged, he either fixes it to "pre wreck" condition or you agree on a revised buy back price.

Any track support, transportation, etc. is covered under separate agreement with separate payment.

This arrangement would serve two purposes. First, the person providing the car for rent has no real financial risk. Set the "Sale" price fair but safe and worst case, you just sold you car (which beats having someone wreck or steal it with no payment).

Second, since the person driving owns the car, they have all of the liability in the event of an incident. Again, if you are at the track, you are there under separate agreement providing your experience and expertise for a fee.

Just a thought. I would obviously work better with less expensive cars versus exotic or highly developed cars. It would work great with something like a SM where it is fairly easy to place a value/cost on one.

Just my .02. Perhaps I'll have a car again so I can test the theory.
