Originally posted by Joe Harlan@Dec 14 2005, 05:19 PM
Bill, the only time I take issue with the differences in safety is when we start mixing safety levels in run groups.....Mix a trans-am car with an ITC 510...Now does the IT510 have enough cage ,fuel cell, firesystem,nascar bar requirement to be mixed with the car? 165mph compared to 105 mph at portland? Or as we do mixing a boltin cage 944T/ite car with same 510....944 likely gets to at least 148mph? If you take it from the prod page it should be the drivers own choice on safety?
Yeah Joe, but if you look at what's going on w/ cages in some of the older Prod cars, it seems that they're taking the choice away from the driver. And if you look at most of the endurance races, you've got GT3-Cup Porsches (running in ITE) out there w/ ITC 510s and Rabbits. Gets REALLY interesting at 3AM in the rain!