Originally posted by Matt Rowe@Dec 13 2005, 05:40 PM
... I have yet to have anyone answer who Ben is, how he relates to the issue and how he comes to know what the track manager says
I was out of town yesterday on business or I would have answered a little quicker. Sorry.

Ben is a racer, and one of the very few, who actually lives in Pueblo (well, Pueblo West), retired, and an exceptionally nice guy. Although I don't know, it wouldn't surprise me to find that he knows the track manager (it's not that big a town), and that they've chatted about things. I do know that it is unlikely that he would say something, in person or via post, that he does not know to be true wthout a 'rumor has it that...' preface.

OK, I'll crawl back under my rock now.