Summer Sprints?


New member
Ok guys if we are going to do this lets try to drag more people into it...I'd love to try Mid O and what better opportunity? great idea Kevin! It would be nice to get some people there to promote and sponsor with contingecies etc...If it is planned early enough no one will be able to say they couldn't plan for it. Maybe each year it could rotate to a different division...the Glen, Laguna, Road America, Daytona etc...any thoughts?? there is already a race there....
I just wrote this in the ITA thread where we started talking about it but I'll move it over here now.

It would just take you guys to make the trip to make it a reality. I don't think we'd be able to organize an official "regional only" event like the ARRC at this time though. But for all of you guys who want to do Mid Ohio anyway, lets pick one of our regional weekends now for next summer and we'll put on a hell of a show!

Here's what the SCCA regionals should be next year - these all include a Saturday and a Sunday race:
July 1-2 - Cincy Region "Freedom Double"
July 29-30 - Fort Wayne Region "Brat Bash Double"
August 5-6 - Western Ohio Region "WOR Games Double"
September 9-10 - Ohio Valley Region "Autumn Classic Double". This is my home region and the one I could easily have the most influence in to set anything special up. We just lost the status of being "the last chance to race/practice at Mid Ohio before the Runoffs" so I'd be expecting the numbers to drop a little and willingness to do something for us to increase.

We're also going to have three Honda-Challenge weekends their next year as well as the NASA National Championships September 22-24. NASA also occasionally hold Friday test days before the SCCA weekends but I don't know which ones at this time.
Well, I'm not really up to doing the NASA races in my old Honda, but I wouldn't mind a full scale assault on Mid Ohio. I went there only once to crew in '94 and really thought it was an excellent course. It has plenty of opportunities to get you in trouble and no horsepower straights like Atlanta or Road America. The only disadvantage we found was the surprising lack of close motels. But Road Atlanta used to be that way, too. :D
Originally posted by R2 Racing@Nov 22 2005, 03:45 PM
Here's what the SCCA regionals should be next year - these all include a Saturday and a Sunday race:
July 1-2 - Cincy Region "Freedom Double"
July 29-30 - Fort Wayne Region "Brat Bash Double"
August 5-6 - Western Ohio Region "WOR Games Double"
September 9-10 - Ohio Valley Region "Autumn Classic Double".
I think we're gonna have to see how the schedules shake out 'cause I've heard that WOR Games ended up getting scheduled opposite the Runoffs. We (WDCR) were supposed to run the event as one of our out-of-region MARRS events but this major conflict (tons of our workers & drivers plan on making the pilgrimage to Topeka) nixed that.

That said, if I can fit it into my schedule and budget I might be willing to come on out there. I am a glutton for punishment, if nothing else.
Originally posted by R2 Racing@Nov 22 2005, 03:45 PM
I just wrote this in the ITA thread where we started talking about it but I'll move it over here now.

It would just take you guys to make the trip to make it a reality. I don't think we'd be able to organize an official "regional only" event like the ARRC at this time though. But for all of you guys who want to do Mid Ohio anyway, lets pick one of our regional weekends now for next summer and we'll put on a hell of a show! 

Here's what the SCCA regionals should be next year - these all include a Saturday and a Sunday race:
July 1-2 - Cincy Region "Freedom Double"
July 29-30 - Fort Wayne Region "Brat Bash Double"
August 5-6 - Western Ohio Region "WOR Games Double"
September 9-10 - Ohio Valley Region "Autumn Classic Double".  This is my home region and the one I could easily have the most influence in to set anything special up.  We just lost the status of being "the last chance to race/practice at Mid Ohio before the Runoffs" so I'd be expecting the numbers to drop a little and willingness to do something for us to increase.

We're also going to have three Honda-Challenge weekends their next year as well as the NASA National Championships September 22-24. NASA also occasionally hold Friday test days before the SCCA weekends but I don't know which ones at this time.

NASA dates at Mid-Ohio 2006 (from the NASA website)

Bill - thanks for putting up the NASA dates but I'd ideally like to do this on a SCCA regional weekend - that way we can all race together in our IT playgrounds. NASA would split us up into Honda Challenge, GTS, PS, etc. As I said though, NASA does occasionally hold open test days on Fridays prior to SCCA weekends. I may be a little while until we'll know when/if they'll be doing that in '06 though. I'd imagine that most who would come to this and have never done Mid Ohio before would like for it to be on a weekend with a Friday test day too. I'll try to ask around and see what I can find.

Gregg - Hopefully we'll have a good idea of the CenDiv schedule here shortly. Last year the first release of the '05 schedule was November 28th so it could be sometime soon. After that only three little changes were made; the last being on February 12th. I haven't heard of any major changes from the '05 schedule but we'll have to wait and see.

Chris - if it was a SCCA weekend, would you bring your ITC car? The CenDiv alone can put together a pretty impressive ITC field at Mid Ohio if everyone shows up.

Ideally, I'm just looking for ideas from anyone and everyone right now. Interested? Not interested? Thoughts? Stupid idea? What would it take for you to come? Anything. Personally, I have about 5 months off from racing right now with nothing to do but look at the snow. So needless to say, I'm very willing to entertain anything and very serious in working to put something together if the desire is there.
As with all racing and working shift work, attending a race is reliant on time off. As it is, my closest track is 6 hrs away, and most are 11 to 14 hrs. However, that said, if they put on a good event, have a good group, and some people made it into a bit of an IT event, I'd be there. My last trip to Mid-Ohio took two of us 18 hrs dead head from Baton Rouge, and we weren't towing. Add three to that for a trailer and 11 years of worn out bones.
I supposed that what I'm saying is that I'd do my damnest to make a special event at Mid Ohio. Someday, I hope to do the same at Road America. I've got family up there. :happy204:
For a long time I wanted to run Mid Ohio, but unfortunately never had the means. We've been doing honda challenge races for some time and if that nasa championship is a success next year, it could be something we'll do in '07. But as of this point, we're shooting to make it back to VIR next year as one of our longest trips. It's been four years and I’ve been missing it a LOT. Maybe even a race down in florida, we'll have to see.

I’ll definitely be reading with interest to see what comes out of this.
Updated tenative CenDiv Regional schedule at M-O:

July 1-2 - Cincy Region "Freedom Double"
July 15-16 - Fort Wayne Region "Brat Bash Double"
September 9-10 - Ohio Valley Region "Autumn Classic Double".
October 7-8 - Western Ohio Region "WOR Games Double"

I am pretty sure that any one of these Regions would be extremely receptive to an organized influx of IT cars for their event. The obvious concern is that with the Runoffs at Topeka, car counts will be down this year. But the cost of the track remains the same, altough I have had heard reports from this past season that the track was more hospitable and did not charge for some services that they normally would. Whether that will continue now that the track has partnered with NASA, who knows. It's an expensive joint to rent (in the range of twice the amount paid at other less scenic venues).
Steve, where did you find those dates at? I can't believe that thay'd move the WOR Games back to October again. :blink:

But just as you said, the participation numbers at Mid Ohio regionals could be down a little bit next year with no National guys running the events for Runoffs practice and SM going National. I have already been talking with the current OVR race chairs about becoming more involved and they'd really like me to. So I'm sure I could try putting something together for that weekend from the "inside" the most. However, I'd be willing to contact whoever needed to be for the other weekends if it were to be done on one of those.

Do any NEDiv guys have input on this?
Kevin, that's from the latest edition of the CenDiv planning schedule that circulates between the RE's and Race Chairs (I've been drafted back into service in 2006 as the Indy RE again).
But, with all the changes occuring with M-O, this is still a tentative schedule, not set in stone. WOR had no choice, that was the only date offered to them by the track and they did not want to move the event to a different, less scenic track (where it was held for many years) that you have raced at.
Originally posted by R2 Racing@Nov 23 2005, 02:07 PM
Do any NEDiv guys have input on this?

I would love to try MO and a the idea of a big IT turnout would make it pretty attractive. the dates above are full of conflicts however.
july 1-2 could work and if i was really sick I could do lime rock on the 4th on the way home.

july 15- 16 is against summit and more importent to me between nhis and the glen.

sept 9-10 is against nhis and between summit and the glen

october never seems to work out as I am usually broke and tired.

does the track tend to have friday test days before scca weekends.
Originally posted by R2 Racing@Nov 23 2005, 02:07 PM
Do any NEDiv guys have input on this?

Pick a date and I'll be there as I am no longer involved in any points or championship races. I just want to have fun. This would be a great idea and an opportunity to visit a new track. Hook it up man! :happy204:
Dick - NASA occasionally holds Friday Test Days prior to SCCA weekends but it is too early to tell when they're going to have those next year. I will make some phone calls and see what I can find out.

Ray - would you be able to ask around to Anthony, Jason, Richard, etc to see if they're interested?

I think right now we can all agree that ideally we'd want a weekend with a Friday test day. I'll see if I can find out about that and we can try and decide on a weekend. Does the fact that the July 1-2 event is right before Independence Day matter to you guys? For better or worse? I suppose I'd lean towards that weekend purely because it's the furthest from the ARRC. If not that, than the OVR September 9-10 since I could have a lot of pull there.
Originally posted by R2 Racing@Nov 24 2005, 11:30 AM
Ray - would you be able to ask around to Anthony, Jason, Richard, etc to see if they're interested?

I'll ask Richie to haul us all out there and Anthony can bring a couple more cars in his oversized toter home.:D
Right now, it is 20*s outside and last night we had our first wisp of snow. Probably nobody thinking about racing right now but keep the drive alive. This is something to look forward to. :023:
It was 9 degrees on my way to work today (yea, I have to work today.). I have to be thinking and talking of racing when it gets this cold to keep my sanity.
i do not know if this is a better option. how about nelson ledges? its a bit closer than midohio. i did one school there and i would like to try it again.
I like the Idea of following the runoffs to Mid O now that they are gone. Its a beautiful track. everyone I have talked to says it is a must run track...
Rick, for you, Mid Ohio is maybe another two hour drive past Nelson Ledges and a million times worth it. I'd say some more about my opinions on Nelson Ledges but it has got me in hot water in the past so I'll just leave it at that. Mid Ohio on the other hand is a top-notch, one of the best in the country facility.

Kevin, who had a car destroyed be Nelson Ledges