New member
Hey racers.

Here in Southern California we're think of doing some tweaking to out current ITE rules. I'm curious what other regions are using for rules in ITE.

If you could send me a link to your rules that would be great.

[email protected]

Thanks in advance.
Southwest Division

Improved Touring E (ITE)   

Cars eligible for ITE are production based cars with fenders and doors that are not currently eligible for any other SCCA club racing class.

Cars entered in ITE must meet minimum safety standards of the GCR and Improved Touring Category Specifications, including all items in Section 17, GCR and Section 10, ITCS. Suitability of any car for ITE is subject to the approval of the Chief Steward and Chief Scrutineer.

The maximum engine displacement for normally aspirated cars is 3,000 cc. Turbocharging or supercharging is allowed with a maximum displacement of 1,765 cc. Rotary engines are limited to two (2) rotors.

SWdiv Regional Classes
San Francisco Region ITE rules are three lines:
ITE – Improved Touring E

1. Any tub chassis production vehicle running with DOT tires.
2. Preparation Rules: International Sedans may modify the floor
pan/rocker panel sections.
3. Cars must meet the Showroom Stock or IT safety requirements of the
2005 General Competition Regulations.

As a catch-all class, I think this is an excellent way of doing things.

RMDiv ITE rules:

Regional Only Class

ITE is designated as a regional only class. These are racing vehicles with fenders and doors that conform to present or past Pro Racing or Club Racing classes which meet the general regulations of Sections 17 and 18 of the GCR for IT and do not conform within the rules designated for Improved Touring Classes. All ITE cars must run on DOT approved tires and must display the class designation ITE.

or link to it at:

Not sure why it still reads 2004, there was no change for 2005.

***Edit: Reading Mr. Harris' post below jarred my memory. There was a change for 2005. RMDiv ITE is now broken into ITE-O and ITE-U for over and under some displacement cutoff (3.0l ?) and there is a multiplier for forced inducton (maybe 1.2?).
I've seen everything in every region I've run in from Speed Cup Vipers to Trans Am Corvettes running Can Am motors. It really gets out of hand. What they've done in the SOWDIV (my old home) is limit ITE to 3 ltr. max engine size and conformation to the safety and vehicle prep of the ITCS. There have been some cases of grand-fathering in some previously prepared ITE cars that were modestly outside these rules, but my understanding is that will cease in 2006. Also, I understand the appearance will have to conform to the rules stated in the GCR in reference to paint, primer, damaged body work, etc. This is much needed, as some of the cars running in that class are rough, even on a good day.
Originally posted by Tom A@Nov 23 2005, 11:25 AM
San Francisco Region ITE rules are three lines:
As a catch-all class, I think this is an excellent way of doing things.

Until you have a 600hp 3500lb Camaro running around with a 2000 lb rabbit and IT bolt in cages in both cars? Thats a poor way of doing things.
Originally posted by Joe Harlan@Nov 23 2005, 01:37 PM
Until you have a 600hp 3500lb Camaro running around with a 2000 lb rabbit and IT bolt in cages in both cars? Thats a poor way of doing things.

How so? They will probably only see each other once or twice in the race, when the rabbit gets lapped. As long as everyone has a clue, the speed differential is a non-issue. Turning 20 seconds faster laps doesn't absolve the passing car the responsability of making a safe pass, nor does it preclude the slower car the necessity of watching the mirrors and leaving racing room.

BTW, I ran in ITE with SFR last month, as my G-cam and weight make my Rabbit illegal for ITB. I was classed with Mitsubishi EVOs, a couple of 911s, a 928, 350Z, second-gen RX7s and a Lexus.. I was completely outclassed, but I was out racing and having fun, which is the point of catch-all classes, isn't it?

Originally posted by Tom A@Nov 23 2005, 02:21 PM
How so?  They will probably only see each other once or twice in the race, when the rabbit gets lapped.  As long as everyone has a clue, the speed differential is a non-issue.  Turning 20 seconds faster laps doesn't absolve the passing car the responsability of making a safe pass, nor does it preclude the slower car the necessity of watching the mirrors and leaving racing room. 

BTW, I ran in ITE with SFR last month, as my G-cam and weight make my Rabbit illegal for ITB.  I was classed with Mitsubishi EVOs, a couple of 911s, a 928, 350Z, second-gen RX7s and a Lexus..    I was completely outclassed, but I was out racing and having fun, which is the point of catch-all classes, isn't it?

Don't make a mistake in fornt of the big camaro. Sorry but some cars should not be raced together.
ITE = IT Everything. If it doesn't fit into another IT class, it goes there. I could run my ITA car there too. Always a fun class to watch.

A few years ago I watched a full race Viper, stout Mustang, and a 2nd gen MR2 (turbo) battle at NHIS. The Viper was on pole and was closely persued by the Mustang, but the MR2 reeled them in and took off about 2/3 of the way through the race.
I've seen an ITE Porsche 944 turbo blow by GT1 cars at Watkins Glen too.
Originally posted by WIZARD Racing@Dec 12 2005, 12:00 PM
... I've seen an ITE Porsche 944 turbo blow by GT1 cars at Watkins Glen too.

...which in some regions could run with a bolt-in Autopower rollcage. Riiight.

Originally posted by Joe Harlan@Nov 23 2005, 06:07 PM
Don't make a mistake in fornt of the big camaro. Sorry but some cars should not be raced together.

Regardless of what else is in ITE that day, you have to remember that most regions run ITE in Big Bore, so you can have a GT1 car come up on that little ITE guy too.

The other problem is look at the large variety of rules. I'm local to DC Region, so I'm stuck with some of the most restrictive rules anywhere. For my car, it was only ever Pro raced in a few series, mostly in SS type trim. But if I went to another car, I could do almost anything to it. I understand that the idea is to restrict the class to Pro-prepped ex-series cars to avoid the average backyard racer from getting in over his head prep-wise, but almost no one runs an ex-pro car in ITE any more.

It seems like here in the NE, ITE is not exploited, while on the west coast, it's more of a free-for-all. I'm not sure which is better.
I was thinking of running my new ASA stock car which is about 2800 lbs and 430HP in ITE. Doesn't look like I'd be a great fit in a number of regions. SPO is, but I like to hang with my IT buds.
Originally posted by Knestis@Dec 12 2005, 01:05 PM
...which in some regions could run with a bolt-in Autopower rollcage. Riiight.


The fact that we (the SCCA) still allows bolt-in cages, in this day and age, is beyond me. We've got to change our belts every 2 years (unless FIA approved), but you can have a T1 Viper V10 GTS @ 3560#, running around for another 2 years, w/ a bolt-in cage is totally absurd. But, I guess the showroom stock roll cage rules will go away in a year or so, when SSB gets rolled into T3, and I imagine that they'll just switch SSC to T4.

ITAC folks, any talk about eliminating the bolt-in cage allowance for IT cars?

On topic content - Catch-all classes like ITE always put cars w/ large speed differentials on the track at the same time. Not sure what can be done about it. I like the ITE-O / ITE-U deal that was mentioned above. I remember when I first started racing, one of the first races I ran, was an EMRA race w/ my ITA MR2. We were grouped w/ big-bore, and there was a guy w/ an ex-TransAm Mustang running. Try having that blow by you comming out on the banking at Pocono!!!
In SWdiv the run group for regional Classes includes ITA/B/C/S/E, SRX7, AND SP. We have several Baby Grands in SP and they are fast, small, and hard to see sneaking up behind you. And on the other end of SP is a MKIV Supra at 3200 pounds and 600 hp. Then there is the ITE 911 who runs lap times with the Supra (no not mine the other one, the 600 hp one). All this on the track with the ITC cars.

No wonder there are so few ITC cars running here.

Having said that however, there are very few incidents in our group. And I can't remember the last full course yellow we have had.
Originally posted by Bill Miller@Dec 14 2005, 08:12 AM
The fact that we (the SCCA) still allows bolt-in cages, in this day and age, is beyond me.  We've got to change our belts every 2 years (unless FIA approved), but you can have a T1 Viper V10 GTS @ 3560#, running around for another 2 years, w/ a bolt-in cage is totally absurd.  But, I guess the showroom stock roll cage rules will go away in a year or so, when SSB gets rolled into T3, and I imagine that they'll just switch SSC to T4.

ITAC folks, any talk about eliminating the bolt-in cage allowance for IT cars?

Bill, please take this as a serious question, but is this based on an engineering assessment that shows a bolted cage is structurally weaker than a welded. Keep in mind that the comparison should be made between minimum specs for both welded and bolted construction. I have a feeling a well built bolted cage will be far safer than a poorly designed welded cage and both could still meet SCCA specs. Throwing out bolted cages without some engineering analysis to prove the case is likely to cause a lot of ill will. Just look at the ongoing production fiasco.
On topic content - Catch-all classes like ITE always put cars w/ large speed differentials on the track at the same time. Not sure what can be done about it. I like the ITE-O / ITE-U deal that was mentioned above. I remember when I first started racing, one of the first races I ran, was an EMRA race w/ my ITA MR2. We were grouped w/ big-bore, and there was a guy w/ an ex-TransAm Mustang running. Try having that blow by you comming out on the banking at Pocono!

Yes Bill, I remember that car well, he passed me in the same fashion at both Bridgehampton (about start/finish) and again at WGI on the back straight. Very interesting experience for a first ever race. Then my first ever SCCA race was ITS/ITE/AS. Qualifying was in pouring rain, race was under clear blue sky & dry track.

Any class w/o much rules structure will become a Can-Am series.
Matt R.

Point of fact is, our tech inspectors should be determining if welded cages meet minimum safety requirements (from both a design and an installation perspective) before they issue a logbook for the car. I've also got an issue where it's deemed thta a welded in cage is required for one car, in the interest of safety, but not in another. Case in point, as off 1/1/08, all Touring cars will be required to have welded cages, and any car registered after 1/1/03 has to have one. IF SSC doesn't become T4, and nothing is changed w.r.t. the cage rules for SS, you'll have a case where ex-SSB cars (now in T3) will have welded cages, but the SSC cars will continue to be allowed to use bolt-in cages. How can you mandate it for one (T3) and not the other (SSC)? Would you want a bolt-in cage in an ITS E36 BMW that was capable of 130+ mph?

Matt M.

Yep, Rich passed me on plenty of occasions at Bridgehampton too (damn I miss that place!). I remember thinking how honkin' fast and cool that car was. His wife, Linda, had the other hot Mustang that she ran Time Trials with. Sadly, Linda lost her battle w/ cancer earlier this year. They used to live ~ 5 min. from me. Rich sold the house earlier this year, and I'm not sure where he moved to.