Having recovered from my adventure at RA and replaced the seat after coming down into 12 without any practice I have decided that I do like flat tracks a lot more than hilly ones. When you come under the bridge and turn the car before you see the track you now know you need to make more trips to RA.

That being said:

Paul, bring your A game cause I got a suprise for you. and you will let me by during the race or I'll have to tell Michelle about you going to the strip club in Sebring when she was away. and Paul, I promise I won't hit you this time. (unless you get in my way)

As for Mr. C. , you go off next to me and I might just have to make you wait to come back on if you keep this up.

Looking forward to seeing everybody again and having fun.

Mark, save me some decals. you know there's always room on my car.

Evan, good to finally meet you. to bad we had to drive to RA to meet. Come by and say hi.

Where are the other IT7's? or is it gonna be just me a Paul going at it.