I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories, and I don't really see what the problem is with the "proposed" plan. (Has it even been proposed?)

Having said that, what is the problem with having a SARRC champ that actually raced in more than one state? As it is, a Florida driver (and I'm one) could race 8 races in FL, pull out his 6 best and head off to Roebling as the SARRC points leader without ever having raced out of the state. Does that strike anyone else as a bit odd? Now I wouldn't call it unfair; it is what it is, and Floridians are truly blessed with the number and quality of the tracks we have. Not unfair, just odd.

Personally, I don't run any entire series, and likely won't in the near future (with the possible exception of the ECR) but I don't see a problem with asking drivers to run a more diverse schedule to crown a champion.

ED MCMAHON: Washington DC and Mattberg's head.

KARNAC: Name 2 places where politics never sleep.