Jake, Rick qualified fifth for the ARRC sprint race, and got up to 2nd but couldn't get around Lukas who took the win. He ran a 1:46 which I know was the fast lap of the race, and possibly an IT7 track record? He told me in an e-mail that the motor is down on power, so I suspect he is probably capable of another second or two. By comparison, the fast A cars ran 42s I think with the new Turn 10.

Not sure if Rick or Attila Lukacs got any clean laps though as they had a split start with the 7s out back. Also not sure if he ran the Enduro or not....

The 7 is still a bit of an enigma to me. We've got a fast group of them here that run with the A cars at VIR, CMP and Roebling. The ARRC results don't lie though, they don't seem to be able to compete there.

I'm not sure what the solution is. Hard for me to see them as a B car when I get beat by them regularly in my S car, but the case for B is pretty strong. That is a tough one.

Rick, jump in at any time with more details.