Originally posted by Mattberg@Nov 19 2005, 03:14 AM
Isn't it funny that slowly but surely no one is denying this proposal existis and it's being supported by people from the regions that would benefit at the expense of Florida? Friggin' hillarious. Typical SCCA politics. I love the "have you taken your medication insults?" too. Any way to discredit someone that gets in the way of their ultimate goal. Is there any medication to take for shafting an entire state of drivers Barry?
Sorry I had a hard time reading the so many posts that you had going I did miss Rick and Butch. I plan on talking to them both and they are both honorable people. I talk to Rick enough that his cell # is on my cell phone. Neither has expressed anything publicly in any SEDIV meeting pro or con that I know of. You are still railing on something that is not a proposed plan of action. You are the one who intially cast insults. Not me. But enough said. The last time I checked Florida and CFR were part of a division. One that should try and work together to solve our divisional needs and work with other regions. It is apperent that you want to split the division. It has nothing to do with the newer or smaller racing regions "underperforming". Our races have been financial successes in our three year racing tenure. Part of it is about being able to get a race on the calendar in the first place. You can have all the regionals you want can't you? So is it you want to keep all those SARRC races and to heck with the rest of the division?

That reminds me of another monty python movie. What is it? "The life of Brian". "Splitter".

Barry H.