Originally posted by Mattberg@Nov 19 2005, 02:49 AM
Funny how the Alabama, SC and GA people all feel the same way about the topic... And if you could read, I gave you two sources for confirmation. Butch Kummer and Rick Balderson. So take that empty argument of lack of source and shove it. Your attempt to discredit me considering I already gave you confirming sources is low and calculated. But keep trying to drive it home. Typical of unintelligent officials who think they can twist everything around. You just want the ORIGINAL source so you can launch a reprisal. Despicable refuse.

Florida folks...get ready for a fight. It's clear to me now that this is just a blatant attempt to force the Florida drivers out of Florida. I believe the line in the sand has been drawn.
Well, I guess I will give them a call. Rick is plugged into my cell phone and I talk to him several times a year. I see and know Butch too. Have you taken your medication for the day yet? Whew.

Barry H.