Originally posted by joeg@Nov 12 2005, 03:57 PM
Actually sounds like a cool idea. I have run that event in the past, but do Mercury Lynx's count??

Might be tough to get Chris Johnson and Gary Ernst to make the tow, however.

Dave Flinchbaugh supposedly sold his car to a non-road racer, Dr. Jon changed to a AS Mustang; Lee Kauffman's car is sort of for sale.

There is an EXP in New England and a couple other 1st gens in Florida.

I do not track the Mazda variants of the 2nd Gen.
Mercury = Ford with LocTight, so yes!!! I got the Tracer LTS added to the ITA list, so I wouldn't think of excluding my Mercury cousins. So Lynx & Tracers are welcomed. My debate is should we include the Protoge? The 91 - 96 EGT is Protoge based. I wouldn't say no to them. Anyone I'm forgetting?

Chris was entered in the Cheap Date at NHIS and I was going to tell him about this idea, but he didn't show.

I saw a couple of EXPs at the 2000 ARRC. I think they were based in PA. There were 2 ZX2s at the 2003 Freedom Dbl. They are from that area & run there a lot.