Oh, my goodness. Since I am on the Atlanta Region Executive Board, I heard the same report from the Divisional Mid Year meeting. I didn't take it to be a secret either. However, I think, before anyone gets real upset about this, they should ask their RE or someone that attended the meeting for the details. Matt, you had some of the details, but not all of them, as I know the story. Oh, by the way, not only do I work my fanny off at the race track six events a year, Fletcher and I race 6 to 8 Nationals and 6 Regional and the Runoffs each year; and we hold offices and chairs of committees in the Atlanta Region. I think I or we have earned the right to comment on just about everything that goes on in SCCA. I have found a better way to influence decisions; join in and be a part of organizing and running this organization. Give back as much as you take. Your voice then carries more respect and credibility. Then many times it works out just like you wanted it to.