ARRC Qualifying...

Andy Bettencourt

Super Moderator
Just heard that the ITA provisional pole is 1:42.X!!!! WOW!!!! Anybody hooked into someone there??? Would love to hear about all the classes. HEre are the track records for reference...

ITS Chet Wittel 1:40.280 BMW 325 2004 ARRC
ITA Anthony Serra 1:43.368 Acura Integra 2004 ARRC
ITB Randy Pobst 1:47.916 Honda Accord 2001 ARRC
ITC William Perry 1:51.063 Honda CRX 2004 ARRC
Just heard from Nick that Chet and Huffmaster BOTH went 1:39.1 !!!!!!!!! Round 2 on pre-grid now. 3-7 about 2 seconds back...

Holy shizzle!!!!

Geez, you guys are quick!

Due to some T&S glitches with the new system being used this year, provisional and official results could take a while to post.
ITA Provisional from memory:

1) Colin Botha 1:42.4
2) Alex Muresan 1:42.5
3) Moser 1:42.7 - don't remember which one. sorry
4) Greg Amy1:42.7
5) Michael Greene (Me :D ) 1:43.5

Once again this is from memory. I just glanced at the results after the second qualifying before I left the track, but is was the combined results from the first and second session. I could be off somewhere so don't hold my feet to the fire, but the times are pretty accurate for the first five qualifiers.
Nice job Greg!!! Glad to see something new upfront :)

Also in the ITB ranks;

1)Justin Poole 1.48.358 87 Honda Accord
Justin, you had to get a Honda... ;) I like the BMW better, but my $$$ is still on you with the Honda this year and the win.

2) Chris Winkle 1.49.057 91 VW Golf

3) Derek Lugar 1.49.262 91 VW Golf
Defending champ, I think he has it if Justin has any issues!!!

4) Dan Keane 1.49.310 90 VW Golf

5)Trever Degioanni 1.49.323 88 Honda Accord

6) Peter keane 1.49.325 88 Honda Accord
My brothers instructor is always impressing me!!! Glad your back in the Honda!!! Go get em!!!

7) Sam Moore 1.49.384 72 Volvo
Keeping the historics alive!!! I love it!!!

8) Dave Gran 1.49.899 91 Honda Prelude
Hometown Favorite!!! I am chearing for you!!!...

All in all what a tight field, Honda, VW, and Volvo fighting for the title :)!!!

Raymond "wish we made it :(" Blethen
Originally posted by Andy Bettencourt@Nov 11 2005, 07:51 PM
Just heard from Nick that Chet and Huffmaster BOTH went 1:39.1 !!!!!!!!!

This is flying considering that the lap record for E Production is 1:37 flat done by Grayson Upchurch, Jr. in a very fast car. I can remember when 1:39 was fast with the layout of the old Road Atlanta that included the infamous "dip".
Originally posted by mgreene87@Nov 11 2005, 07:22 PM
ITA Provisional from memory:

1) Colin Botha 1:42.4
2) Alex Muresan 1:42.5
3) Moser 1:42.7 - don't remember which one.  sorry
4) Greg Amy1:42.7
5) Michael Greene (Me  :D ) 1:43.5

Once again this is from memory. I just glanced at the results after the second qualifying before I left the track, but is was the combined results from the first and second session.  I could be off somewhere so don't hold my feet to the fire, but the times are pretty accurate for the first five qualifiers.

WOW! The top four are over a half second under Serra's record??? :blink:

Should make for a great race. Oh yeah, congrats Greg!! :D Way to go bud! :023:
Thanks for the updates!!! Keep 'em coming. Go DAVE!!!! Watch out, he's still just learning the track.

Go Greg! Faster than Serra - go get 'em!!

Jake "Wish I was There" Fisher
Guys, you're forgetting that this is the board. The leaders are all under track records in qualifying.... therefore they are all cheating!!!! :D

Good job everyone!!!

I thought I heard that Stretch was going to run in ITA???
Originally posted by nasa ser@Nov 11 2005, 11:34 PM
Go greg!!!!!!!! let's here it for the ol' Nx2000...betcha he's glad he got the car back together now! :happy204:  :happy204:
Last I saw Greg he was grinning ear-to-ear. :D

Everyone seems to be faster than last year, so there is lots of grinning going on.
***The leaders are all under track records in qualifying.... therefore they are all cheating!!!!***

Come on Scott, that comment normally comes from the upper right coast. :D :D

Joe, Botha & Moser (father & son) are from the CenDiv & race Hondas last time I saw them race. They have raced their in the past & finished well. & they don't cheat. ;)

The best thing I see with the top times as shown is that the times are close together as times should be for a championship race. :happy204:
Originally posted by gsbaker@Nov 12 2005, 08:56 AM
Last I saw Greg he was grinning ear-to-ear.  :D

Everyone seems to be faster than last year, so there is lots of grinning going on.

Come on Guys, if Turn 10 is reconfigued and it is faster than last year, being under Anthony's track record is to be expected. All three of those guys are fast (although I don't think Botha has any staying power) but give Anthony his due...
I want more info!!!!

This is exciting!!!!!!

Good Luck Greg and Dave!!!! Man, it must have been a good ride down for those guys.....did they have Tony Robbins in the van?
