Originally posted by Banzai240@Nov 9 2005, 11:22 AM
I've recieved a message that states that these specs are not accurate for this car... I'm still working of finding some official documentation to show one-way or the other... BMW of North America doesn't have this information available, and they suggested getting in touch with a BMW Service Department and looking it up in a Service Manual...

I will keep searching...

One would suspect that for every E36 out there in ITS, there would be the REQUIRED service manual, so someone out there must have this information... Otherwise, how would they be able to e-mail me and tell me these specs are "wrong"???

With some cars, I guess part of the "mistique" is the mysteriousness of the specs...

I find it odd that some of the most prominant piston ring manufacturers in the nation would have the "wrong" sized factory replacement piston ring sizes...

Smells a little like Pike Place Market around here... <_<

And people wonder why some of these things take on the apperence of a "witch hunt"...

I will find this information...
Ok if the person sending you the information knows the specs are wrong then why are they not providing the proper specs or a link to them?