Originally posted by MikeBlaszczak@Nov 3 2005, 02:47 PM
Once the chaffe has fallen away from the wheat, you're right; this group is incredibly helpful.

I'm not expecting people to spoon feed me. If you look at the responses, you can see the comittee members are getting tired of answering the same questions.

To address both issues, why not make a post that explains everything, set it read only, and sticky it to the top of the forum? Why not write a whietepaper and post it? A FAQ? Get it into a single document that's updated, or a single place where the history can be read.

I don't mind digging around to find the document (or history, or book) that I need to read. Piecing through every issue of FastTrack; then stumbling on this forum, trying to figure out who the players are, filtering through the flames and emotional responses to try to get to the meat ... that's more than most people have time or patience for.

Such a document is hardly a "personal tutoring session". It's an effective, efficient way for the committe to share its cumulative policies, procedures, findings, and reasoning. It saves time for both the committee and the people the committtee serves.

Do you know where I can get a copy?

I haven't doubted a bright future, and I'm glad ya'll are trying to improve the sport.
Well Mike, for one thing, this site has no 'official' standing w/ the SCCA. I submit that the information that you seek would be better placed on the SCCA website. Perhaps you should write a letter requesting it. Offical policy statements or answers to FAQs, belong on the SCCA site.

What this site is, is an open, unofficial forum, that happens to have as some of its participants, several of the key players in the IT community.