I think its hillarious that people with half-prepped e36's are trying to say that this will affect them because of the guys that are at full prep. You picked the class, and then built/bought a car that wasn't built to the max level of prep. Now you are going to complain that you wont be competitive anymore? When did you ever win a race? when no one with a prepped car showed up? Honestly, if you aren't going to build a car that is to the full extent of the rules then why are you racing in that paticular class? The rules are designed to be equal at the same level... if you aren't going to the same level as allowed then how do you expect to be equal. We race an e30 in its, our car will get spanked by any e36 that shows up. Its just a given, I guess I dont see what the problem is in trying to even out a field... What are you winning? are you that worried about your plastic trophy at the end of the day? There are always gonna be those "im gonna take my ball and leave" types... what can you do about it? If you are worried about the integrity, and future of IT, do you really want those people in the class in the first place?