Originally posted by wlfpkrcn@Oct 28 2005, 05:35 PM
My understanding of "qualifying" for the nationals is... There will be a minimum number of regional events (3-4?) you will need to run to qualify.
Which immediately diminishes the "national" status. How many races are run in the northeast? Well, none. Nothing in New England, nothing north of Summit Point or east of, what, Mid-Ohio AFAIK. So, unless you're willing to tow 6+ hour 3-4 times per year, you're not invited...?

So what we have here is a bunch of folks from the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic US that can go, a bunch from California that can go, and a bunch from Ohio/Indiana that can go. Guess who's showing up to Mid-Ohio? So how is this a "national" event?

That's unfortunate; before reading this post I'd considered it. But now...? - GA