Originally posted by GregAmy@Oct 27 2005, 07:13 AM
Dude, are you DENSE??? The BMW enjoys a SIGNIFICANT performance advantage in NUMEROUS ways, horsepower-to-weight being the obvious one! I got a real giggle about the "sports car versus family sedan" comment; dude, do you REALLY think the 'rest of the world' thinks you're driving a Toyota Camry???
Please compile a list of track records across the country and see which car is on top and get back to me.
Originally posted by GregAmy+Oct 27 2005, 07:13 AM-->
So, the BMW enjoys this significant advantage, is being considered for parity adjustments, and you're asking that the rest of the world get taken down a notch with it? So, it's OK if the BMW gets performance adjustments as long as its performance advantage is maintained? Whaaaa....?
What do you think would have happen if Kip raced his Porsche 944s this year for the full year? Results might have been different right, or at least I know it would have been some good racing up front!! Fast driver with a great car builder= front running car.
Originally posted by GregAmy@Oct 27 2005, 07:13 AM
Holy Christ, bud! Do you really think everyone else is that stupid???
Please don’t take the lords name in vain.

Originally posted by GregAmy@Oct 27 2005, 07:13 AM
You have an AWESOME car, VERY well built, and with any mid-range driver has an high-probabilty chance of winning just about any race. The questions are usually not which car will win, but which BMW will win. THIS IS UNFAIR, THIS IS INEQUITABLE. THIS IS NOT A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD. WITH ANY REASONABLE CERTAINTY, THIS WILL BE CHANGED.
Thanks for telling us we build nice cars, but are you telling me were mid-range drivers?

@Oct 27 2005, 07:13 AM
Sorry for the rant, man, but some of these comments make me feel like we&#39;re talking to a two-year-old...I can understand you&#39;re not being happy with losing your dominant position, but if you REALLY think you&#39;re getting shat on, you want to thorwo a tantrum, and you want to move over to BMWCCA where you think the playing field is more level, that&#39;s fine and good, we&#39;ll miss you. However, just don&#39;t expect folks from this side of the fence to feel any empathy for you.
That’s what this board if for, lets get it out now, so I don’t have to punt any cars come spring time ( joking)