Originally posted by Bill Miller@Oct 14 2005, 04:20 PM
... Don't give them the .5 pt bump in compression, don't allow them to use thread body shocks/coilovers, don't give them an alternative R&P, etc. etc.


How about, AACK!

Things are bad enough without throwing multiple prep levels into the mix. WHen conversations focus just on the top of the IT food chain, like the need for "ITR," it seems to me like a general bias toward higher performance cars. There are a buttload of perfectly reasonable, cheap econoboxes out there - some of which are still in production - that should fit the B and C parameters without resorting to massive gross weights or different prep levels.

Eventually? Yes - the auto market arms race might catch up with the lower IT class but we are a long way from that.


EDIT - now, it MIGHT be that nobody wants to build these cars but there's sure a disincentive to even thinking about doing so, if none of them are in the rulebook.