Originally posted by dave parker@Sep 20 2005, 08:52 PM
Please be aware that the Friday after the Double Bruce Shelton's mother in law died. This may have delayed his getting the points standings to the appropriate people. And now that it is RunOffs week i doubt that it will be done for at least another week.
You will have me beat in points so that is no worry.

It is time to start the campaign again.

I will be sitting out MARRS 10 so that i will actually have a car left to turn into an H Production car for the 2006 season. I have grown very weary of the beat and bang associated with the SRX7 group(great guys off the track) and the stewards will NOT do anything about it.
So i have chosen(along with several other ITC drivers) to abstain. Anyone care to join me?
"dangerous" dave parker
wdcr ITC#97

Can't say that I blame you Dave. I have a car but want to keep it for school.