Originally posted by JeffYoung@Sep 14 2005, 01:05 PM
Ok, let's boil it down to this, since results are always going to be subjective and a moving target.

I would lke a BMW driver to post here, with a straight face, that the car is classed at the correct weight.

Cause it's not.

That's the only issue with the car. I don't care if it makes 222 rwhp or 195. Doesn't matter -- what you can do legally within the rules is legit. But the car weight is just plain wrong.

[Devil's advocate] Jeff, what IS the CORRECT weight? [/Devil's advocate]

Darin's posted up some numbers, based on the ITAC's process. If that's what's in place, then that's what's in place. As he said, they're not based on on-track data, they're based on performance data. Seems pretty objective to me. To me, the on-track data simply support the fact that the process predicts a higher weight than is currently spec'd.

Here's what the process says the weight should be, so that's what it is.

Unfortunately, it's not really a two-way street. It will be born out rather quickly, if the predicted weight is too low. However, if it's too high, it will take considerably longer to demonstrate that fact. A considerable amount of development time and effort, will have to be expended, by multiple drivers of the same car.