Originally posted by Webmaster@Aug 31 2005, 02:39 PM
OK this is good to hear.... I'm so busy with the site construction/changes that I have not had time to "feel" how it all works now.

Keep the comments coming please !!

Both pro and con... You can't hurt my feelings. If they suck..tell me ! :P
Netscape's tabbed browsing makes this real easy to get around. I go to the main page and open each new forum (that I care about) in a new tab and then start closing tabs as I go. The only thing that I really miss from the old site iis after you have read a forum, or a single topic in that forum, it used to mark the rest as "read" automatically even if you didn't read them. If there is a new post on Summit Point and a new Post on NHIS something or another and I read the Summit post and not the NHIS post it now only keeps the Summit post as read and the NHIS post stays unread. I'd like both to be read again.

Awesome job on the new site. It's just going to take time to get into a new "groove".

This whole thing reminds me of GCR Rule changes. Some people like it some other's don't and some just don't pay attention anymore