Originally posted by GregAmy@Aug 20 2005, 06:33 PM
Though, I'd have preferred that the car come into ITA *with* its associated SM restrictor, with consideration to remove it later, rather than vice versa. It's always easier to remove restrictions (weight or otherwise) than to add them.

Using the IT classification process, and also knowing some real output numbers for IT prepped 1.8L Mazda motors, the car is VERY close at the classified weight... The wt/pwr ratio is just about right for the class...

We are trying to NOT use restrictors, but in these special cases, they may be necessary... It might be in the best interests of IT for us to investigate the idea of using single-inlet-restrictors rather than flat plate restrictors, because, as the GT guys have discovered, the SIRs are an excellent way to absolutely limit the output...

After all the discussion, it is my believe that this Miata WILL be a competitive car in ITA, but not because of it's wt/pwr ratios... More likely because there are a TON of them out there, sharing development and ideas, and competiting in sheer numbers... Because, on paper, this car has about the same potential as the 1.6L already classified in ITA...

We'll see... I know it's a stretch for many of you, but I would hope you can see by now that there ARE people watching this kind of thing and ready to make adjustments if they are needed...