
Go for it. I purchased my first enclosed trailer about 5 years ago and wish I had it earlier. Mine happens to be black. Don't know much about Pace American. I have a Classic 26' enclosed trailer.

Re: your questions

1. I don't keep my driver's gear in the trailer (in the house for storage). However, I do keep raingear, parkas, boots in the trailer all year. I am in the NE and we get a fair amount of rain and I have had no issue with mildew. If the trailer leaks, then that is another matter.

2. I keep all of my race gear and racecar(s) in the trailer normally. I set the trailer up specifically so that my tools, spares, raintires, chairs, EZ-Up, etc are stored. I have built in cabinets, closet and lots of wall mounted E-Trak for attaching things.

3. I had one trailer stolen. Fortuneately without the racecar, but the d**n thieves did get tools, spares, tires, EZ-Up, etc. Make sure that you have sufficient insurance to cover both the trailer and your belongings.

4. Black does not get hotter than any other dark color. At the track, the tail ramp and doors are open, so the air circulates fairly well. During the summer, I have not seen it hotter than about ambient temperature (which has gotten to 90 or so.

5. I park my trailer in my driveway since the first one got stolen. I need to keep my trees and bushes trimmed as well. I do get some minor scratches but the black aluminum siding seems to be fairly resistant to scratching. Not totally, but not too badly, either. My big issue is that black will show dirt easily so that it needs to be washed frequently, which is not a minor job.

6. I am serviously thinking about a cover for the trailer for the fall and winter.

Hope this is helpful...

Good luck in your decision.

Bill Umstead