Originally posted by Harry:
Yes I will race a itc car in the MiDiv.racing for Mid-Am points all next year. 2003-2004 Mid-Div Permanent number is 20.
JJ #62, It looked to me like you got passed under the yellow a few weeks back. Darn shame the race ended under yellow due to the car on the track at the top of the hill (turn 8). The guy in the Mazda screwed up a great race.
So.....Get your 20# flywheels back in and make sure all the little crap finds it way back on the car. The ff head flows much more air that the federal even with a smaller seat and valve. I've seen a Volvo DQed at the ARRC because he had slightly smaller valves which in his case produced more air flow.
Enough Said,

You know Harry, in my 20 some years of racing experience, I've noticed that those people whose driving skill does not allow them to win on the track are the first to try to win in the tech shed.
If your knowledge of the Fiesta was complete, you would know that shaving the flywheel, in our case, just truing the surface, will eventually cause the clutch disc (stock configuration) to slip. so lightening the flywheel may have some limitations. And let's see now, reducing the valve size increases air flow but doesn't decrease mixture intake which would of course not affect power. I've heard it all now. Please come race against me I want to learn more.
I'm beginning to detect some unwarranted paranoia.
Good Luck,
G. Robert Jones

Addendum: If you look at F. in the ITCS it refers you to GCR 11.4 for measurement standards which states the "valve size is absolute maximum" which is +0.000 so if at the ARRC the Volvo was DQ'd for minimum measurement on the valves, he was screwed. That is to say replacement valves can be smaller but not larger. They are supposed to measure for within maximum, not for within minimum.

[This message has been edited by grjones1 (edited September 17, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by grjones1 (edited September 17, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by grjones1 (edited September 17, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by grjones1 (edited September 25, 2003).]