I have no idea what the spectator count for the ARRC would be. As for watching as a spectator, I like it. As with almost any natural (not an oval track infield) road course, you have to move around to see the whole track. This can be a problem with the shorter races due to the amount of time it can take to move around the infield, so you should probably plan to watch each race from one "area".

The only "grandstands" type seating arrangements are drivers' left through turns 10A and 10B, and drivers' left on the front stretch.

Your view from the front stretch stands is pretty poor, but the terraces at T10 are great, affording good views from T9 through T11 (the top of the hill). There's a nice hillside driver's right at 10A that has a good view, too.

The spectator hill above turn 5 gives a great view of T3 through The Esses and T5.

There's what appears to be a grandstand outside T1 at the end of the front stretch, but it's intended for photographers, and spectators usually are not allowed out there. You have to go though the edge of the "hot" zone to get to them.

The gate between T2 and T3 is a good spot for some action but you don't see much track. It's just and exciting piece of track. :-)

Between the T3 and T4 corner stations gives a decent view from T3 down through The Esses and up to between the apex and track out at T5.

There's a gate a few feet up track from the T6 station that gives a great view up the straight to T5A and the top of the hill.

Near the T8 station gives a good view of the first part of the back straight, down to T7. Up around the T9 station gives a good view of the middle and end of the back straight.

Around the helicopter pad gives a good view of the cars coming over the hill at T11 and down through T12, but not much of the front stretch.

You can go outside of the T1 fence and get around to the big billboard. This used to be a good place to watch the front stretch action and T1. Now the underbrush has grown up a lot and it's not so good.

Due to the elevation difference between the front straight and the pit lane, there aren't any really good places to watch the front stretch. Maybe the Pirelli bridge, but security usually won't let you just hang out on the bridge.

Doug "Lefty" Franklin
NutDriver Racing