ARRC parking


New member
Yep it's me, yep I know!! Anyway, you'all are welcome. Sandy and I plan to be there earlier than last year and we have been lineing off more areas this year which makes it much easier on you and us. We plan to be there much earlier this year also. The "official" parking time will be 5:00PM Wensday, but I plan to go there Tues and do most of the line placing. But you know, it depends on rain, I cannot line if it is raining. We will park testers first as they have priority. If things work out, we plan to start parking earlier than posted, will try to start at 12:00 Noon, no promises and weather and real jobs could interfere. If weather cooperates, I will have most all the lime down on Tuesday so things should proceed as we hope. Only thing we ask is that you cooperate as we do know what we are doing and have reasons for doing what we ask you to do. PLEASE, we will listen to your problem or request, but when the conversations goes on back and forth as an argument, then we loose patience as we have other things to do, as parking the other people. Afer we say no, and you give us your side, and we still say no, PLEASE do not go on and on, we want and WILL have everyone who wants to be on pavement and not in the grass. We will have an area for crew parking. Please again, we do have reasons for our madness(grin) Remember,

1) NO open trailers on the pavement, no exceptions, yes I know you may have a reason, but sorry this is one rule we will not bend. We do have a few spots that allow the open trailers to be close, but not many. Open trailers are to be parked across the creek on the RIGHT side in the grass, please make rows as we will have many. We will ,time permiting, banner off the area to help you park your open trailers and be able to recover it quickly.

2)You will have a spot for your tow rig and your race car. You may not have room for a crew car tho, some spots may depending on your tow rig and trailer and the spot itself.

3)We will try to arrange group parking if you want, but we need to know ahead of time and exact number and names of people together, yes we know it is fun to be with your friends and we want to help you have fun. Sorry I crouded you guys from the NE last year, I will give you ample room this time, my bad. We must have the number and names of who is to be together and they must be pre registered.

4) We are not respnsible to arrange for you to put your car up every night as most spots will not be condusive to that.

5) You will not have a spot to drive thru with out backing up to go or come.

6) Rd Atl has improved some of the electrical outlets, but most all will not have elect avalible.

7) REMEMBER, we will not allow noisy construction generators. Also your generator WILL be in your area and not on the side of your neigbors area for him to hear and not you. Only quiet generators please.

8) The area on the left going down into the paddock is for very large rigs, IE Tractor trailers, and we will decide what is to be there.

9) We will escort you to the parking area, we will ask you your preference as we want you to be happy and have fun, we want to be happy and have fun also.

10) When the rush is over, you may be allowed to enter, but then you MUST stop at the gas station and wait for us to park you, this very important as we really do have reason for our "maddness".

11) Please, anyone coming with a Tractor Trailer rig needs to let us know before hand as I would really hate for you to show up late and we do not have a spot for you and have to put you in the back "40".

12) The area across the creek we have found to be very usefull for Motor homes towing race cars, the spots are 20+ wide and about 60 ft deep and elect is avalible, it is where we like to put families with kids also.

13) We have limited parking for Motor homes not towing race cars behind the gas station but it is crouded and will be tight parking. Also , really, the back "40" is quiet and grass and also grat for kids. It is solid ground and you will not get stuck.

Bad points:: No electricity, but most all motorhomes have gens, quite a ways away from the upper paddock, lilited PA access.

GOOD points, quite, very safe for kids, grass is nice, camping and ouside cooking invited, we will come by as drink a cool one with you(grin) We will also try to help you get the things you need if you are there. You can go in and out with your motor home easily.

Lets all have fun and and this will be another great ARRC. I will post a e-mail addy for just parking and paddock info in a few days, there is where you can request your special items, group parking and big rid requests. See you soon, Sandy and Fletcher
Thanks for helping us out last year,it sure is nice to travel halfway across the lower 48 in the rain and still see a smiling face to meet us at the track and get us set up in a nice spot.
Thanks again,
Dave Volante
Ray Yergler
Jarrod Igou
Bart Holden
a few more we hope
The Des Moines gang.
Hi Fletcher,
Just wondering how to let you know the Vantage Motorsport guys from Nova Scotia will be there Wednesday with our 48' box and the 15' canopy, Like to be near the BSI bunch as usual, if do able.
Can you let us know, Please
Derek Lugar
[email protected]
Also wondering from the RST Performance Racing camp if we can park the NER people near the Canadians (we like them). We (just RST not including the rest of NER) will have a two car trailer with truck, and 2 cars.

were you giong to give us your e-mail to send our requests.

RST Performance Racing
We like the Canadians too.
Canadians do not drink enough, but I would also like to be close to BSI. We have a 36' motorhome, 24' enclosed trailer and three cars. I know you said you would like to put the motorhomes in the grass, but the grass is not crip friendly. Thanks, Peter Keane.
From the main page of the ARRC website you will find a link to instructions about how to get group parking (basically Fletcher's post above). On that page you will find Fletcher's phone number to call and arrange this.

Would have posted an e-mail, but Fletcher would receive so many more spam e-mails that I would be afraid that we would see a drugged out, well-schooled, well-.......never mind....

Bob Pinkowski
Atlanta Region SCCA
ITS Honda Prelude (no longer for sale, I think)

[This message has been edited by bobpink (edited September 29, 2004).]
The email for parking at the 2004 ARRC is:
[email protected]
Basic information needed will be: Your Name, telephone number(s), ETA, Your paddock request. We will need such info as length of trailer, with and without tow vehicle, number of race cars, size of canopy, and desired paddock location. If you are requesting a group space, we need all of this information for each person. Make sure everyone in your group if aware of your request. If space is allotted for someone as part of a group, they must park with that group. It is unnecessary to make a paddock request for level paved space for individual trailers up to 40'. Level paved space will be available when you arrive, that is the reason we have organized parking.
This is a heads up on paddock parking. We currently have over 230 cars entered. This is close to a packed paved paddock. Prepared yourself to have your space allocated sparingly. There will be space for your tow vehicle, trailer, and race(s)cars only. There will be very limited street car parking in the paddock; street car parking will be in the grass with the open trailers. After Friday AM, if there is paddock space left over, street cars may park in unused paddock. Long rigs such as totter homes/trailers with one race car may be required to share race car space with another long rig that has only one race car. There will be no big canopies for one or two race cars. We cannot allocate a 24’ wide canopy when 12’ is all you need. Our goal is to keep all of you on the pavement. Prior to Friday AM all of your vehicles must be parked in your paddock space, in open trailer parking, or as directed by Fletcher, myself, or someone that may be helping us. We cannot park trailers when we have to get vehicles moved. Lastly, remember there is nothing fair about this process, how can there be when every one of you have different equipment and a view of how “it should be”. For instance, you will not be parked by first in line. Sometimes it is faster to pull others out of the line ahead of you. It is all a part of putting the puzzle together the fastest. If you want to volunteer to help us, send me an email. Please know that we do want you to have the space you need on the pavement and enjoy the event. For specific information you may email us at [email protected] Thanks, Sandy

[This message has been edited by Sandy (edited October 27, 2004).]
Sandy and Fletcher:

Thank you in advance for all your hard work. I'll just be happy to get there, so I'll gladly take whatever spot I get. I've never had a paved paddock spot before!!

Planet 6 Racing
bill (at) planet6racing (dot) com
You are most welcome. Although many stories you hear are about people that had difficult encounters getting parked. There are far more that are happy with their parking experience. It is really unnecessary to arrive early for a good space. Sometime the last spaces are the best because you get more space. A word on the Atlanta traffic. If you must come through a part of Atlanta, make sure you get there no later than 3:30. The traffic increased dramatically on a yearly basis. The metro area is approaching 5 million people. I hope all of you have a safe uneventful trip. Sandy

While we're on the subject of traffic, would you recommend 285 around town toward the track? I'll be flying in Friday morning.


Gregg, since you are coming up from Florida, it is a straight shot up I-75, pick up I-85 and on up to the track. No need to go around the city on 285. Traffic is pretty stupid around the metro area at all times and there is really no good way to avoid it.

Rush hour here ends around 9:00am so try to arrive after this time.

Bob Pinkowski
Atlanta Region SCCA
ITS Honda Prelude

[This message has been edited by bobpink (edited October 28, 2004).]
The shortest route is, as Bob indicates, right through town. Outside of rush hour, it is your best route. Tune to AM 750 on your radio, it has the best traffic news. Of course you'll need to pay close attention and be familar with the map. They will rattle off the traffic with landmarks you are unfamilar with.
I was originally planning on leaving Central Ohio around 4pm on Wednesday, stopping somewhere, and finishing the last couple of hours in the morning. Then it dawned on me that I would be going across the north outerbelt of Atlanta during morning rush hour in a 70ft rig.

So I think I'm going to leave around noon on Wednesday and do all of it. This will put me in the Atlanta area around 9-10pm. I like that a lot more.
Well, tomorrow begins the 2005 ARRC. As of now, we plan to be at the track around noon. Once we have the white lines down, etc., we will ask Road Atlanta to let us begin parking. Parking always begins slowly. If it is rainy, it will be even worse. Once we get the groups parked, it will speed up. Please know that we are very aware of wait times. We go as fast as possible. I need your help in getting yourself in place quickly and to not park vehicles in open paddock space. We usually park until 10 PM, after that it is questionable. We don't close parking until we go to bed. Late comers will have to park outside the track overnight. Drive safely and I look forward to seeing all of you.
Sandy and Fletcher, Thanks for all your help with the northeast parking this year. You were more than generous with our space allotment and that made it quite comfortable for us and was much appreciated. Hope we can do this again next year.
Ray Lee Chee
New England Region
Originally posted by moto62:
Sandy and Fletcher, Thanks for all your help with the northeast parking this year. You were more than generous with our space allotment and that made it quite comfortable for us and was much appreciated. Hope we can do this again next year.
Ray Lee Chee
New England Region

Ditto that!!

And Sandy even came over Saturday to thank us for coming and ask if we enjoyed ourselves....while Fletcher was on the track racing!!!

I was very pleased with our spot...THANKS!

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]