I think I can safely say that the "porting" solution is a Pandora's box that will NEVER be opened in IT. No, it's not ewasy to enforce with the lollypop - the lollypop is intended to enforce stock ports. There are literally an infinite number of ways to port a rotary that would not be definable with a "lollipop". Just look at the huge effort that was just invested (led by Lemon @ Mazdatrix I believe?) to finally come up with a definitive limit to what is considered a "streetport" for EP! The various top rotary engine builders are a bunch of creative, innovative, and free-thinking guys and any number of radical designs could be considered to be a streetport by teh letter of the law - but not to the spirit of the law. Without using an intake restrictor plate, or similar parameter limiting device, 12a's won't jump from 130 to 150 HP. They will jump to 170+, and I like to believe that the fair-minded Mazda racers aren't realy looking to be overdogs - they are just looking for a good race.

Oh - and did I mention that porting would simply be COMPLETELY and TOTALLY not in keeping with the entire philosophy and context of the IT concept? Come on guys, I want to see the Rx-7 competitive again as much as the rest of you but that is definitely not the way to do it. Perhaps we should be discussing things that actually could happen?
