I think it is pretty obvious that I think the RX7 is a good fit in ITB but that said I like the race group I race in now. There are large fields and good racing and I do own 13 good 7” wheels. I am not surprised that the ITAC did not vote for the change at this time. It is a little like the coyote and the roadrunner. As long as the roadrunner wins the coyote can keep trying, once the coyote wins the game is over. It is much safer to keep the RX7 in A if there is any doubt. There are also a number of cars still in ITA that are slower than the Mazda that should be moved down, though the do not have the numbers needed to repopulate ITB.

On the other hand when the CPA process started the ITAC seemed to make a conscious decision that four classes were enough to make a well balanced IT program not withstanding discussion of a faster class that may be needed in the future. This was followed by quite a few cars moved from the bottom of ITS to ITA. I guess I expected more cars moved into C and B. Now I was not sure if the line between ITA and ITB would be drawn just below or just above the RX7 but I guess I expected more activity.

I understand that caution is needed, after all IT is a very successful category and the club needs to be careful not to throw out the baby with the bath water, but ITC is empty and ITB is lean, so should we not be trying to make a more even distribution if we are going to stick with 4 classes.
Dick Patullo