Originally posted by dickita15:
....I guess I need to make a trip next year....Well I have to admit that VIR is very good to Rx7’s and with 6” wheels and weight the still probably win there in Itb.

Dick Patullo
So what do you say Dick. A trip to VIR in the schedule for next season! I'm in.
I say move the 7 to B, 6" wheels, add a hundred lbs(educated guess) and have at it. It won't be an overdog by any means but at least it would have a shot for a win. Get rid of IT7 since it was merely added to give the 7 somewhere to race. ITB could be the new home of the 7 where it should nicely fit in. Let's say the move did happen. There is a slight chance that I could be lured back from the dark side and back into a wonderful 7. Going head to head with Volvos from hell and Opel GT's, whoooo hoooo. Could be a hoot.