I like the results comparison at RA - with 7" wheels, the RX7 matched the best ITB time one year, and was slower in the next two. If 6" wheels are 1 second a lap slower (ballpark, but reasonable, based on earlier input) it SURELY does not seem like an overdog. So...

NHIS - Best qualifying at 'Cheap Date' (1st day)

1:17:7 - RX7
1:14:5 - ITB

2nd day
1:24:02 - RX7
1:20:38 - ITB

Limerock - Aug 7 best lap
1:06:11 - RX7
1:04:56 - ITB

Hard to find results! Anyhow, I've yet to see data suggesting that RX7s at our current weight, but with 6" wheels would be an overdog in ITB.

Dave Youngren