Just curious as to why a 2nd gen has caught your eye in particular? Don't get me wrong, they are nice cars and huge leap forward in technology from first gens, but with Pro-7 / ITA 1st gens available ready to race for absolute BARGAIN prices everywhere why not learn your racecraft for pennies on the dollar? Ist gens aren't really frontrunners in ITA any more, but are not exactly dogs either. For the cost of one $10K ITS 2nd gen a new driver might actually by able to obtain a somewhat competitive ITA/Pro-7 first gen + all of the required safety equipment + an open trailer + a cheap tow vehicle and still have some money left for some race entries! Three important points to keep in mind: 1) You might find out that you lack talent, commitment, and or budget to continue racing and race cars DO NOT appreciate in value - it's best to start small. 2) An uncompetitive driver will hamper your program worse than an uncompetitive car! Make sure you leave yourself the budget and time to develop the nut behind the wheel and worry about developing the car when you are good enough to tell the difference! 3) Last but not least, if you reach a point where you can drive a stock rear suspension 1st gen Rx-7 quickly and smoothly then you are absolutely qualified to drive just about anything with non-stone age technology! (hehe)

Good Luck, and hope to see you out there! - Boswoj