I spent alot of time on this very topic, but as usual, simple is ...well ...simple. on my 89 2nd gen, I used 2 cheap NAPA brand stock replacement electric pumps from 1st gen 13-b car ran in series in the tub just left of the cell, w/a pre filter on the intake side, and the stock wire loom plug grafted into the new plug.Then as life would have it I ran one pump at first for a week of testing and on a cold night ,13 miles out in the middle of nowhere I lost presure for some unknown reason and after 3 + hours trying to get a cell phone signal I got home. After hooking up the 2nd pump so they were both on I've yet to have a failure. I did use the stock line to the front, and instead of using braided steel, when needed, I used a great product called Push Lock, It's a barbed fitting that will last and seal as long as you want it to and it is strong and alot cheaper than stainless garb,all my oil lines are push lock also.If you want photos let me know. [email protected]