Originally posted by rlekun:
I didn't have the stones to make the pass stick.
Don't tell us that! Let us think you were just being patient...waiting for a more opportune time. If we know you are lacking in the stones department it is that much easier to keep you behind us.

Racing is mental. I have a friend who has a rep for being very aggressive, especially on starts. It is so easy for him to gain spots on Lap 1 because people are scared. I've heard people mumbling on the grid about starting in the vicinity of him and he has had no contact in the last 3 seasons! I have raced with him for 8 years but never in the same class, until 2003. I am not initimidated by him and he knows that. We are both accustom to winning our share, now he's just going to have to get used to 2nd, aren't you Rick? Yeah I know that trash talking isn't my normal style. I look forward to the competition...