Originally posted by UltimateGSX:
This is real Funny I know who you talking about. Ive seen him drive in some videos. Check this one out. Pushing a RX7 off the track.

<A HREF="http://www.connectedmagazine.com/dpr/i/archive/video-clips/Video%2002%20Snow%20Plow.rm" TARGET=_blank>http://www.connectedmagazine.com/dpr...Snow%20Plow.rm[/ URL]

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that punt was in T6 at Sears Point aka the carousel. notice the closing speed of B... did the 7 not see B coming or perhaps he was moving in to protect the inside line?! anyway, B could not really have done anything in that situation. if you watch the clip carefully B close in behind the 7, then flick the steering wheel to make an inside pass, then the 7 came in (arguably at the ideal turn in point...). the call can go either way. a racing incident IMO.

i'd like to check out the ARRC clips.

good race craft lessions for me. :-)

[This message has been edited by GhettoRacer (edited April 23, 2003).]