
The 2001 SCCA GCR ITCS lists an '88 Civic in ITC w/ a 4-spd tranny. The only '88 Civic listed in ITA is the CRX Si, not the hatchback version.

Something else that you need to look into, 17.1.4.A Purpose:

<font face=\"Verdana, Arial\" size=\"2\">Improved Touring classes are intended to provide the membership with the opportunity to compete in low cost cars with limited modifications, suitable for racing competition. To that end, cars will be models, as offered for sale in the US. They will be prepared to mfg's specifications except for modifications permitted by these rules.</font>
You need to make sure that there's nothing uniquely 'Canadian' about the car you're buying. I doubt that it will be an issue, but it would be better to find out sooner than later.

For example, a BMW 2002 Tii is eligible in ITA, but a Ti car is not (because they weren't offered for sale in the US).

MARRS #25 ITB Rabbit GTI