Go to http://toyota.shults.com/cgi-bin/scca/scca.cgi and check to see if your year/displacement Accord is listed in IT. If it is, then you are good to go...

Get a set of the road racing GCR (the road racing rulebook, through www.scca.org), so you don't do something that will be impossible or expensive to fix when you make the transition to IT. Build the Accord to run whatever Street Prepared class it fits, being smart about building safe first, then fast later. (Tires are your biggest performance/$ improvement, BTW, so don't skimp there.) I have been told, but don't know it as gospel, that a legal IT car is actually OK in the SP Solo I rules--you might check on that.

If you find that your particular Honda is NOT IT eligible, double-check with the GCR. You COULD try to get it classfied if it still isn't, but that is a deep swamp. If you can't road race the Accord, the first part of the plan doesn't necessarily need to change--it just won't be as smooth of a trasition.

Again, best wishes and keep us posted, okay?
