Hey Bill, Yeah I was away at the beginning of the year and in fact if you look at the Endurance Racing posts on this page I was asking about the 12 HR back in Dec. I faxed my application and credit card number in.. but no entry. I'm thinking that I did it too early? I'll have to talk with the powers that be. If I can't work something out I'll see about renting a ride. My co drivers from last year want to do it, but have schedule conflicts. Hopefully I can make some headway on this A3 thing. I'm thinking abut going ahead and buiding one of these cars. Hey by the way, there is a GT4 Wabbit on EBay. last I saw it was up to $637. what a buy! There's also the IT rabbit from the NE region as well as another ITB prepped (?) A1 on E Bay. Lotsa VW's for sale.... hopefully we'll see some more new drivers this season. I'm thinking of doing the VIR enduro in two weeks... interested? Bill? Kirk? Dave? My car should be ready... God knows I've replacing it piece by piece! JOE