For a faster,more accurate "BOX", take two 2x4s or 1x2" BY 80" LONG. MEASURE THE WIDTH OF YOUR CAR, ADD 8". Now take both pieces off wood, clamp next to each other in a vice. hack saw slots at the distance you figured for the width +8".
Now you have two equal distance string holders. Place these on jack stands on the ends of the car so that the string will go by the to the car , equal distance from the hubs,X4.
Now you have a quick and easy to measure from "box"
I take a alluminum rod and bend it so that it has 8" of ends, bent the same way, like a sway bar. tape a spot on the tires so that uou can mark on it. Mark the scrib point from the toe bar, roll the tire over to the other side and measure that side and figure toe.
I run 1/8" out front, 3.5* camber
3/16"out rear 1.5-2* camber
400-300, (A1) 550/450 (A2)