
Sorry I wasn't able to make it to Pocono to see you. As far as the Toyos go, they're a good, durable tire. They don't have the grip of the Hoosiers, and it's been too long, but I don't think they have the grip of the Kumhos.

I ran them on my old ITA MR2, and you can flip them inside-out when they start to wear, so you get more life out of them.

One thing I'll say about full-tread Toyo's, is that they make a good intermediate tire. They won't work as well as Dirt Stockers in a full wet race, but they work very well on slightly wet and drying tracks, and you won't kill them in 5 laps if the track starts to dry out.

We ran Toyos on the P2 car that I crew-chiefed to 3rd at this year's 24hours of Moroso. Some of the tires came in w/ significant amounts of not just cord, but steel belt showing. No failures!

They're a great tire to start on as they will work, and last.

Best of luck, and welcome to the VW racing crew!!!

MARRS #25 ITB Rabbit GTI