I apologize to all those who see this post turning into a silly arguement, but work is a little slow, so I have the time.

ITPERSON, you say the person must put in a little effort; they know of the SCCA, they found this website, they know they have a car that can be raced (possibly), I think that counts as effort. Just to clear the air and to agree with Knestis, there is a point where people should take the advice, like "get a GCR and read". I can agree with you on that, but a lot has to do with that first impression.

I do agree with you 110% that all RACING participants should own an updated version of the GCR. I have had encounters with ill-informed racers who could not back their opinion with facts.

ITPERSON, Just out of curiousity (no evil intentions meant by this question); how long have you been involved in racing, at what level, and what aspect (rally, road race, autx etc)
