Originally posted by gsbaker:
It's very difficult marketing to the DE crowd--product designs aside. They all believe that they are safe because they aren't racing. And if you point out that tires go down, spindles break and deer run across the track regardless of what the event is called, you are labelled a fear-mongering capitalist. Then someone gets hurt, your inventory gets sucked off the shelf and everyone complains they have to wait for product.

Isn't this fun.

Heh, I see your point. Before I got married I was in that category of driver as well. Its not that I was any more kamikaze than your average racer, but that I really had the feeling that it would never happen to me. Part of that came from the fact that I didnt have anyone depending on me. Now that I have a wife, that is no longer the case. I also lost my mother this year and she was 57 years old and in perfect health six months before she died. It had a profound impact on how I look at things. I dont want my wife or anyone in my family to have to experience the horrible sense of loss and helplessness that comes from having a loved one taken from you unexpectedly....