Originally posted by Knestis:
Again - organizational culture will prevent this from ever happening. For whatever reason, it is simply understood that there are National classes, Regional classes, and a few that are defined by the rules to forever remain Regiona - IT.

That's just how it is, despite examples like the NWR/Montana Region Double National that I attended, that had more classes eligible to compete than cars entered...



I'm really surprised that you're so willing to accept the status quo. Especially when it's such an arbitray distinction. IT has changed significatnly since its inception. To saddle it w/ Draconian constraints like "forever Regional" and "NGOC" is just plain silly, especially when you look at the percentage of IT cars, compared to all the race cars that run.

The SM folks were able to do it. It's one of the main reasons they didn't want to be associated w/ IT, because they didn't want people having the perception that they'd be "forever Regional". Time for the SCCA to see what's going on, and move into the 21st century.

And Jake, definately don't leave ITC out. I'm guess that, even w/ the low numbers of cars, you'll see more ITC cars than CSR, DSR, or S2 cars!

MARRS #25 ITB Rabbit GTI (sold) | MARRS #25 HProd Rabbit
SCCA 279608