I spoke with Kansas (Jeremy) about this, and it's an idea I have been behind for a long time.

SCCA needs exciting racing on the tube...Speed World Challenge is great, but the club side is boring on screen...sorry, but most of the Runoffs races are not well subscribed, the interval from pole to last on grid is huge, and the racing is boring. Some classes are exceptions, but as a whole, we can do better.

Adding SM, and IT could yield much better racing, and help sell the club to the public. REAl ITS and ITA ..and even ITB National champoinships??? You know the first two would be throw downs! Maybe B too!)

I think that having certain "reserved" classes, and the remaining classes open to the best subscibed classes is the way to go. The club needs to serve it's membership equally.

The actual administration and details might need some crafting, but the idea is sound.

That said, IT as we know it will never make it to the Runoffs as is, as there are WAY too many models without proper documentation. Those models will need to be excluded. I hope that the concept doesn't get lost in the detail mongering.

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]