Originally posted by lateapex911:
Dude, you got a bobblehead! NOW you've made the bigtime!

Dave admitted the error, and said, "First of all Gregg, I don't think a U-turn on A1A is even marginally legal, but we screwed up, so, to make it up to you, email us your mailing address and we'll send you a bobblehead."

You get around don't you!? I thought you were in Orlando, and A1A, IIRC isn't anywhere near Orlando...

Right. A1A is as far east as you can go and not get wet.

<font face=\"Verdana, Arial\" size=\"2\">Next time, try to make sure an Isaac sticker is on your drivers side door mirror as that was your only chance at a shameless self promo....</font>

I would never be so crass as to do something like that. A Dave Despain bobblehead doll is much more rewarding. Hey, I'm being honest here. See? No smilie.

Thanks Dave!

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC

[This message has been edited by gsbaker (edited February 27, 2005).]