So it sounds like these are all pretty good events! that's great and kinda what I gather from this board and talking to people. Summit is something I really really want to do but I think funds would be tight since I definetly want to go to VIR and Mid Ohio. I would have to give up one of those events to afford Summit since the Summit event is earlier in the season. Nelson is another track I thought long and Hard about. My father went there last year and loved it! We are big fans of a famous instructor that works at Beaver.... Shawn Lewis! So in honor of him we have to go to the beaver this year.

On a side note for Kevin. I would not recomend lime Rock for an SCCA event. If you want to have fun and get track time do an Emra event or something like that. SCCA events at lime rock are very very limited track time with up to 50+ cars on track at once (only 1.54 miles so it is very very crowded) From what I here the Emra events are far superior for track time and value. This is hard for me to admit since I have gone to lime rock and had a family member (father or my brother and I) race every year since 1984. This will be the first year in over 20 years I haven't been to a race there! Last year with the 52 cars on track for qualifying was the final straw on running at lime rock (along with the increased entry fees).

Stephen Blethen